3 Ways Planned Maintenance System Can Benefit Your Ship

Maintenance System Can Benefit Your Ship

A well-planned maintenance program is essential for ensuring a ship is safe and seaworthy. Periodic repairs and upkeep can help to prevent major malfunctions or accidents, keeping your crew and cargo safe.

In addition to preserving the safety and functionality of a ship, proper maintenance also reduces the cost of ownership. By taking care of small issues before they become big problems, owners can extend the life of their vessels while avoiding costly repairs.

Considering the importance of planned maintenance, it is essential that crew members are fully aware of the process and procedures involved. If done correctly by trained professionals like a ship agency, regular maintenance can help ensure a vessel remains in good condition and is ready for future use. Here we will talk about what planned maintenance systems are, how they can benefit ships, and the best ship management company.

What is a planned maintenance system?

A planned maintenance system is a system that helps maintain any equipment, like ships, automobiles, etc., by identifying and addressing potential problems before they cause significant issues. By doing this, it can help avoid costly breakdowns and ensure that equipment is running at its best.

Planned maintenance systems can take many different forms, but they all share a common goal: to help keep equipment running smoothly and efficiently. They can range from simple maintenance schedules to more sophisticated systems that track and predict problems. Regardless of the specifics, all planned maintenance systems rely on data collection and analysis to provide accurate and useful information.

Benefits of planned maintenance

Improved Efficiency

As ships are increasingly used for maritime purposes these days, their maintenance and performance have come under increased scrutiny. Maintenance has traditionally been a tedious and time-consuming process that can impact the efficiency of a ship.

A planned maintenance system (PMS) can address this issue efficiently. The system identifies and predicts the required repairs and maintenance tasks that need to be carried out on a ship.

The PMS helps to identify and diagnose problems with the ship's systems early in order to prevent them from becoming more serious. This allows the ship to continue operating at its full efficiency, which in turn reduces the need for repairs and prolongs the ship's operational life.

The system also ensures that repairs are carried out quickly and without any disruption to the ship's operations. This means that ships can continue to operate more efficiently, which leads to reduced costs and increased efficiency.

Improved Safety

A planned maintenance system is a vital component of any safe and efficient ship. The system ensures that all systems on the ship are functioning as normal and that any potential malfunctions or issues can be identified and fixed before they become serious problems.

There have been reports of a few ships crashing at the shipyard in Batam because of engine failure due to neglected maintenance of the systems. These types of mishaps can be avoided by implementing PMS.

This system can help to prevent accidents and injuries, both on board the ship and during voyages. By ensuring that all systems are up to date and functioning properly, the risk of mechanical failure, fires, or other catastrophic accidents is greatly reduced.

Furthermore, a well-functioning planned maintenance system can also save valuable time and money. By fixing problems before they become major issues, entire fleets can run more smoothly and more efficiently - which benefits both the companies who own the ships and the customers.

Improved Communication

By having a PMS in place, crew members can better plan and execute necessary repairs and maintenance tasks. This not only saves time and money but also helps keep the vessel running smoothly and efficiently.

A PMS can improve communication among crewmembers by automating communication processes. For example, the system can automatically send scheduled messages to crewmembers' workstations, alerting them of upcoming maintenance or repair tasks. This way, everyone is kept informed of what needs to be done and when it should be done.

Additionally, a PMS can help improve workflow by streamlining the process of repairing or maintaining equipment. For example, instead of having crewmembers go through various manuals and checklists, a PMS can automate these processes. This makes repairs or maintenance more efficient and less time-consuming.


A properly maintained ship also has a lower chance of experiencing mechanical problems. By following a PMS, you can avoid costly repairs and extend the life of your ship. Properly maintained systems can increase your vessel's efficiency and reduce the amount of time it takes to reach your destination. But to efficiently take care of your ships, you need a good ship management company.

PT Usda Seroja Jaya is the leading company for ship management in Indonesia. We understand exactly what kind of accessories and ship repairs are necessary to run ships effectively and efficiently. We can also provide you with a wide range of equipment and technical support to run your vessels safely and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more about our shipping services, or visit our website to learn more about our fleet of ships.

Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to learn more about PMS.

Posted on October 4, 2022 .

How Shipyard Keeps Your Data Secure?

Your Data Secure

Be it any industry or business domain, the importance of data is always high. It is generally believed that it is the power of data that drives businesses these days. The same rule applies to the shipping industry. However, it is also true that shipyards don’t store the business related data that may be beneficial to competing businesses.

Since shipyards support workflow automation, they handle sensitive data on a day-to-day basis. Most shipyards process the underlying information independently so as to reduce the theft or leakage of highly sensitive data.

A shipyard’s first and foremost priority is to keep your business data safe and secure in every possible way. For this, it takes various measures like:

  • Due to the AWS-based server infrastructure, the highest degree of cloud security is ensured.

  • Passwords are encrypted and saved using the top-notch Blowfish-based Bcrypt algorithm

  • All data is secured in transit and at rest using the RSAES-OAEP-SHA-256 algorithms with AES-256-GCM.

  • At the application level, all Blueprint and Vessel-specific settings are secured with RSA-4096 bit key types.

  • All network communication to and from the application is encrypted with TLS v1.3, the latest and safest version.

In regard to proprietary data, there are primarily three types of data that are managed and stored by shipyards – code, credentials, and output.


All code is submitted to the shipyard, through AES-256 encryption, whether the code is uploaded or written directly in the UI. The Shipyard's code storage can be stopped by integrating Github Code Sync.


As part of the Blueprint and Vessel setups, all credentials by the underlying application are encrypted in transit, using AES-256-GCM.


The whole output of the code is displayed in the UI as searchable plain text and kept eternally as a safe, encrypted file on S3. Because this function determines what data is displayed, you must ensure that your script is not writing any secure data to the output. Shipyards go out of their way to make sure that Environment Variables and Password Blueprint Variables are never displayed to the output.

External Storage of Data

When it comes to dealing with shipyards, most data that is used comes from third-party services. This is because shipbuilding companies don’t store any data. For enhanced security and the stoppage of data abuse, several initiatives are taken by shipyards. For example,

  • Highly secure Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, or Azure Blob Storage is used to store big-size data sets.

  • To enable quick and effective shares of data across different users, Box, Dropbox, or Google Drive is used.

  • For easy ship management of big datasets, a cloud-driven database like Snowflake, Redshift, or Bigquery is used. These next-gen database platforms enable a high level of scalability along with automatic processing of data.

Best data management practices used by shipyards

  • All database server access must be routed through our Corporate VPN, which employs AES-256-CBC encryption.

  • Each layer of the application infrastructure components has its own set of IAM roles and permissions, prohibiting one system from accessing the others.

  • As a firm, each employee must log on to every third-party service or platform. In the organization, there are no common accounts that allow for easy auditing and logging of activity.

  • All business passwords must be at least 12 characters long and be generated randomly using a combination of numbers, letters, capitals, and symbols.

  • All staff receive quarterly technical security training to raise their understanding of phishing attempts, social engineering, and best practises for keeping their credentials safe and secure.

  • All employees are encouraged to use 1Password, LastPass or similar password managers for their personal purposes.

  • Necessitated the use of 2FA for all third-party services, software and platforms used by all employees.

  • All Shipyard work performed by all employees is done only on managed company-owned devices.

  • For personal usage, all employees are urged to utilize 1Password, LastPass, or comparable password managers.

  • 2FA was required for all third-party services, software, and platforms utilized by all workers.

  • All Shipyard work is done by all personnel on controlled company-owned devices.

The Conclusion

Considering the reliance on data and the high likelihood of its misuse, shipyards take high-end preventive measures to safeguard their data in every possible way. From creating data-friendly policies to choosing the safest database services, there are several ways shipyards and shipbuilding companies put data at the center of everything.

Posted on July 15, 2022 .

What is Shipping Management and What Services Are Included?

Shipping Management

Sometimes known as shipping logistics, shipping management refers to the activity of supervising the flow of your items through a supply chain. Its ultimate goal is to guarantee that both inbound and outbound shipments function smoothly. It is a shipping optimization strategy used by all major corporations.

How do ship management companies work?

Ship management companies can be found throughout the world's nautical centres. Many organizations manage big fleets for a large number of ship owners. Several bigger shipping management businesses have their own vessels too. Most ship owners choose to outsource their ship management operations to control the cost.

In most scenarios, outsourcing ship management services implies that the shipowner may do business at a lower cost, owing to fewer in-house employees and resources. Another benefit of outsourcing management to a third-party ship manager is that the manager will be able to bring all fleets under its control to the table to negotiate contracts for maintenance and repair stores, marine insurance, and other services.

Shipping Management Services

The popular ship management services include:

  • Crew Management

  • Operational and Technical Management

  • Insurance

  • Procurement

  • Contract Management

Crew Management

Crew management services include the sourcing, recruiting, selection, deployment, scheduling, training/upgrading programmes, and ongoing management of seafarers aboard boats with crew management contracts.

Payroll services, travel arrangements, insurance, aid with health, banking & financial services, career counselling, communication roles, team-building, and family/social programmes are all included.

Operational and Technical Management of Vessels

Technical management, often known as comprehensive ship management, refers to the nautical service of maintaining and operating vessels on behalf of a ship owner. These accountabilities are mostly managed by a third-party ship management company rather than the ship's owner.

Technical ship management includes vessel registration, technical support, day-to-day operations, maintenance, and crew management. It may also encompass a vessel's business and commercial administration, such as chartering and financial supervision.

These management services are provided by a specialised technical department comprised of an expert team of maritime engineers, buying, information technology, safety, quality, environmental protection, insurance, and financial and administrative staff.


Shipping insurance or marine insurance services are highly customized offerings by shipping management companies. They intend to meet ship owners’ insurance-related needs and protect their best interests at all times.

Most ship management businesses have strong, long-term links with protection and indemnity clubs, underwriters, and brokers, as well as a tight partnership with top-rated insurers, a trusted reputation, and vast knowledge in the insurance industry. This enables them to provide consumers with the finest solution and competitive terms in all elements of marine insurance.


Procurement is an essential component of shipping management that attempts to:

  • • keep the vessels operational;

  • • minimise the cost of ownership and management;

  • • maintain quality; and

  • • comply with industry, safety, and environmental necessities.

Ship management businesses guarantee that the ship owner's fleet receives spare parts, consumables, supplies, maintenance, and services consistently and clearly at the best possible speed and cost.

Contract Management

Contract management comes under the purview of commercial management services. Shipping companies provide commercial management of the vessels on behalf of ship owners. This includes:

  • Chartering and regular operation of the vessel, including tender bids and long/medium term contracts, as well as vessel repair on behalf of the owners;

  • Interactions with ship agents, stevedoring firms, shipchandlers, port authorities, freight brokers, and charterers

  • The selection of ship agents, shipchandlers, and other partners, as well as the arrangement of port ship services

The Conclusion

Since the shipping industry looks after the heavy cargo movement of the world by transporting consignments across countries, the role of ship management services is paramount in keeping it functional and effective.

To know more about shipping management and the services included in shipping management and ship maintenance, look no further than PT USDA Seroja Jaya.

Posted on July 15, 2022 .

Shipbuilding Challenges and Trends

Shipbuilding Challenges and Trends

According to the latest research report, the global cargo industry is expected to attain superb growth with a CAGR of 3.8% between 2021 and 2026. This kind of shipping usually includes the transportation of goods via sea. The cargo is transported through vessels and container ships.

Just like other industries, the cargo shipping industry also suffered a setback in recent times due to the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic. Apart from this short-term hindrance, this industrial sector has its own set of challenges and trends that make a deeper impact on the overall performance of the industry.

In this post, we will delve deeper and look at them along with the ways that can bring substantial improvement.

1. Lack of Qualified Manpower

First and foremost, the shipping industry has been witnessing a downfall in terms of qualified manpower. Due to the challenging job nature and technical exposure, not many young people are willing to be a part of this industry. According to a leading shipyard company, people are not ready to take up the available opportunity prevailing in the sector due to their lack of dedication towards the same.

One promising way to tackle this challenge is to adopt a multi-project management approach along with sagacious resource allocation. This would allow shipbuilding companies to move the resources across different projects to achieve their project completion target. Furthermore, shipyards may adjust to the current scenario by improving facilities for training young shipyard workers..

2. Digital Transformation Bringing Newer Concepts in Ship Management

There is no doubt that most shipbuilding companies strive to boost their overall output. This is where rapid digital transformation plays a substantial role. Furthermore, it comes with a wide range of other benefits, such as heightened security, lesser human involvement, rationalized procedures, and a lot of others.

This digital transformation is affecting almost every industry and shipping is no exception. World-famous corporations are working hard to elevate it to a whole new level. This way, new technologies come up, urging the acquisition of new skills by workers.

Below are some of the latest digital technologies:

360° Cameras

This technology includes giving workers neckband cameras that are 5G-enabled and provide a real-time view of the area to the staff present in the control tower. This way, it helps in the initiation of swift and efficient responses in the case of an emergency.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The latest report revealed that the use of an AI-enabled ship operating system helped a ship agency in Indonesia to reduce its fuel costs by 10%. This was done by collecting and monitoring all relevant data about an engine, as well as making appropriate arrangements to curtail fuel consumption.


Process automation is no longer a foreign term as it is rapidly becoming an integral part of every industrial sector. It is also vital to automate resource allocation and planning procedures in addition to using multi-project management solutions. There are several applications available that have a variety of beneficial features that will accelerate shipbuilding work.

3. Environment Protection Policy

Environment Sustainability is a buzzword these days and it also applies to the shipping industry. For example, the 2020 Sulfur Regulation has defined additional requirements for the cargo shipping industry. It states that from now on, ships and vessels may not utilize gasoline containing more than 0.50 percent sulfur. Previously, the limit was 3.50 percent. There are three ways to keep the use of sulfur in control.

  • Use low sulfur fuel oil

  • Apply LNG-fueled vessels

  • Use scrubbers

The Conclusion

Alike other industries, the shipping industry has its own challenges which need to be managed by shipbuilding companies to stay competitive. Among all these things, one good option is to consult a leading ship broker or ship agency in Indonesia that can help shipping companies understand them deeply and manage them effectively.

If you need to know more about the shipbuilding challenges and trends, consult the PT USDA Seroja Jaya. For better information or to know more about our experts, visit our website today.

Posted on May 31, 2022 .

Accidents Due To External Factors – Collision, Oil Spills, Weather Conditions

Accidents Due To External Factors

With the responsibility of handling nearly 90% of world trade, the shipping industry is the lifeblood of the global economy. Without the functioning of the shipping industry, international trade, the bulk transport of underdone supplies, and the import/export of reasonable and manufactured goods would be really hard.

Ships are highly sophisticated, high-worth assets (for example, big-size advanced vessels can cost over USD 200 million to build), and the operation of merchant ships generates an estimated annual income of over half a trillion US Dollars in freight rates.

Since ships move day and night to ensure seamless business operation, they get exposed to different types of threats. One of them is a marine accident. Maritime accidents can be defined as unfortunate incidents that tend to cause substantial damage to the ships and deeply impact the marine ecosystem. There could be numerous factors behind the emergence of such incidents including technical failures and shipping factors. Several external factors like route conditions, human errors, and adverse weather, can cause such accidents.

Types of Shipping Accidents:

Equipment-related Accidents

Equipment-related accidents are among the most prevalent in the marine sector. Equipment used on and near ships, from massive container cranes to trawling winches to forklifts, can cause major injury if not utilized appropriately, maintained, and repaired when broken. Miscommunication among workers is another important cause of equipment mishaps.

Training-related Accidents

Accidents are likely to occur when people are not appropriately trained to conduct their duties, regardless of the type of equipment utilized. Improper training may result in the misuse of the equipment by a worker, failing to communicate effectively with another worker, or failing to use safety equipment to save someone's life.

Commercial Fishing Mishaps

Commercial fishing is known to carry the utmost risk among all nautical vocations. A large number of people get wounded or deceased on the job in this industry than in any other. Long, arduous hours onboard tiny vessels in choppy waters and terrible weather mean that falls overboard, equipment faults, exposure to the elements, and fatigue-related mishaps are all too prevalent.

Onshore Mishaps

Port and dock employees are vulnerable to the hazards of maritime labor. Although they do not work on ships at sea, they are exposed to several hazards on the job. Accidents involving equipment, particularly cranes that lift goods and vehicles and forklifts that transport it, are a major cause of injury in seaports.

Factors causing Marine Accidents:

Here are some more factors and marine accidents that you should know about.


There could be numerous reasons behind shipping collisions like equipment malfunctioning, human negligence, and sometimes poor infrastructure. Some of the commonly known collisions are sided collisions, stern collisions, allisions, and bow-on collisions. Collusions pose a significant risk to the lives of crew members and the structural integrity of the ship. They can also cause oil spillage into the ocean.

Oil Spills

Another commonly found marine accident is oil spillage. You might have heard about them in news. Now, when it comes to cleaning an oil spill, the major factors to be considered as the type of oil, water temperature, and its nearness to the living areas.

There are different approaches that can be taken to clean an oil spill by ship maintenance companies. Some of them are given below:

  • Oil spill bioremediation involves the use of microorganisms known as biological agents to break down the oil.

  • Controlled burning can limit the amount of oil in the water by igniting it when there is less breeze on the ocean. However, it pollutes the air and must be done appropriately.

  • Dispersants - These prevent clumping and settling by dispersing numerous different oils from the surface.

  • Skimming – During this process, vessels are dispatched to the oil spill location to collect the oil present on the ocean’s surface. However, it can only be done if the water is calm.


As oceans warm and cool more slowly than the land weather which means ocean weather tends to be more unstable than the atmosphere. These sudden changes in weather could cause maritime accidents which result in heavy damage.

The Conclusion

Though shipping companies take extreme care to avoid shipping accidents, they take place often. This is where various ship maintenance companies play a pivotal role in keeping the trade continual. From helping a ship agent at various ports to providing ship repair services, these companies have a major say in keeping ocean trade on.

If you’re looking for a company that offers ship management in Indonesia, then look no further than Usda Seroja Jaya. With the best ship agents, we understand what kind of ship, accessories, technical specifications are required to run ships carrying certain products effectively and efficiently.

Posted on May 31, 2022 .